Great success in marketing over the internet is very possible, especially if you know what you are doing. Get the right, and you can have a lot of traffic that converts into sales. Doing things that are wrong and you will also have a lot of traffic and no sales or no sales and no traffic.
To avoid this scenario, it is important to keep several things in mind. First, it's all about pre-sales. In the offline world, making a sales pitch is pretty much how things are done. The Internet is a different game because people go online primarily to seek information.
Your job is to just give them information. Once you do, you can kindly suggest to them the resources or products that will help solve their problems further. Remember, people online either want solutions to their problems or they just want to learn something.
So, how do you take advantage of this? The answer to this question is to research your keywords. There are two ways to do this. The first is to find keywords related to the information that you want to give. The second way, and better is to learn how to identify keywords that are considered "buying" keywords.
When someone searches for the keyword "buy", they are one click away from making the sale. For example, if you want to buy a digital camera, you will study several different models. Once you have narrowed down to one or two different cameras, you can plug the exact model number into the search engines. That model number is "buying" keywords.
The problem is, it is a big mistake to direct this traffic to sales pages right off the bat. You still need to provide information. Directing them to some useful content that will help them make the choice to buy, such as product reviews or comparisons. If they like what they read, they will reward you with a click and even a possible sale.
How does this translate to your existing business? Think about your product in terms of "the solution to the problem" and go from there. Once you know why people need your product or service, you can frame your content to highlight that.
In order to successfully market your online business, it helps to understand that the internet is very different from the offline world. Adapting this principal to your marketing efforts and you will succeed.